Monday, January 17, 2011

Boss Arrested - Political Scam

Bank Menatep NOT (a renowned financial institution and its branches worldwide): I rated Nikolay Sintsov, personal assistant to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once the richest man in Russia Asthe owner of the Yukos Oil (the largest oilcompany Russia), President and CEO.

SOURCE OF FUNDS: I have a profiling amount in excess of U.S. $ 40,500,000 to me to find the place. You will be rewarded with 40% of the total yourpartnership. Can you handle it?

When his personal assistant, I was able to transfer money from a merchant Americanoil his last oil deal with my boss Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
The funds have the shores of America to a private financial institution where the European final payment is made next.

While it was inpolitics for his participation in the process, my boss has the funding of major political parties and the opposition (ofRight Union forces Boris Nemtsov, and Yabloko, a liberal democraticparty / by Gregor Yavlinsky addressed social LED) arrested threatened presidential term VladimirPutin second president of Russia.

I have been put on hold all transactions relating to that amount.

All I need from you, how are the beneficiary of this fund go addends'll profile data, enabling the company to transfer the amount you is thefinancial. I decided to locate this sum tore the American continent and never connected to one pole of the MikhailKhodorkovsky be, I'm in Burkina Faso, West Africa, from squatting Secondly, there is a distant country.

The transaction must be as fast as I can confirm I will give details in date me toproceed be completed.

Thank you.

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